Lirik Lagu Nah Forget Mi Roots Clinton Fearon & The Boogie Brown Band

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Mi Nah Forget Mi Roots

Mi Nah Forget Mi Roots

I Won't Forget Mi Roots

I'll Never Forget Mi Roots

Oh No Bongo

No Congo

A Who Sold Mama

A Who Sold Papa

Two Sides To The Coin

The Seller And The Buyer

Let's Talk About It

Let's Talk About It

Many Years Of History

Much Things Have Gone Wrong

It's No Mystery Why We Just

Can't Get Along

Let's Talk About It

Let's Talk About It

Judas Sold Christ For Thirty

Pieces Of Silver... Judas

Told His Brothers And Sisters

That The Ride Would Be Fun On The


A Problem Can't Be Solved

If We Push It Under The Rug

We've Got To Talk About It Talk About It

Can't Treat A Problem Like A Lifeless Bug

We Need To Talk About It

Let's Talk About It

Never See Smoke Without Fire

Can't Swim If There's No Water

What Goes Up Must Come Down

What Goes Around Comes Around

Follow The Sound

( Chorus )

Too Much Wars And Rumours Of War

In Our Little World Our Little World

Who Is To Blame For The Many Gang Bangs

In Our Little Towns Our Little Towns

A Problem Can't Be Solved

If We Push It Under The Rug

We've Got To Talk About It Talk About It

Can't Treat A Problem Like A Lifeless Bug

We Need To Talk About It

Let's Talk About It

Hey You Man In The Mirror

Don't Be Affraid Of Tomorrow

Just Remember That Blood Follows Vein

And In Every Vein Blood Means The Same

( Chorus )
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  Clinton Fearon & The Boogie Brown Band   Writed by Admin  53x     2023-09-04 09:13:07

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